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img Mario Sobrejuanite

Superiore provinciale
Nominated: 7 marzo 2023
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Community and Apostolate





Comunità e Attività

(from SAN PAOLO Bulletin - October 2010)

Makati City. Metro Manila (1960). It is the most numerous community (34 confreres) and the most complex(Provincial and local community, Juniors). It is the seat of the central structures of our apostolate: Management of the apostolate, Editorial Direction, Diffusion, Marketing, Warehouse, Administration, Bookstore.

Pasay City, Metro Manila (1941). It is the motherhouse of the Province. It consists of 7 confreres. A confrere is the parish priest of the parish ‘Our Lady of Sorrows Parish’ that the Paulines run from the start of our presence.

San Fernando, Pampanga (1983). House of Novitiate with 4 priests and 1 disciple. The commitment of the brothers besides the ministry and formation is directed to the management of the two bookstores in the zone.

Silang, Cavite (1993). House of formation for aspirants located south of Manila. These attend the internal college of St Pauls Seminary Foundation, legally recognized by the State. As of last a spacious and functional chapel has been built adjacent to the house.

Cebu, Visayas (1991). House of formation for postulants (for an apostolic experience lasting a year) composed of 3 priests committed also in vocation promotion and in the running of two bookstores.

Iloilo, Visayas (2000). The three confreres that stay there (2 priests and 1 disciple) work on vocation promotion, run the bookstore in the city and work in diffusion in the region; also they collaborate with some diocesan radio programs and local tv.

Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao (1995). Here are 2 priests that follow up vocation promotion, work in the two bookstores in the city and spread our editorial products.

Davao City, Mindanao (2002). This last community canonically erected is composed of two priest confreres and a disciple. Their apostolic commitment consists in vocation promotion, running of the local bookstore and promotion of our catalog in the central and southern part of the island.

Macau (China). Established in 1987, the community has 3 permanent priest residents. They are well inserted in the diocesan reality: one of them is in charge of the local diocesan weekly in Portuguese language: O clarim. The others have ministerial responsibilities in the parish. They carry out a precious service of animation for the Annunziatine and for the communities of the Pauline Family residing in Macau and Hong Kong.

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